📢 Replays available til Oct 8th!!
Sunday, September 29th
Come learn the BEST way to walk ...
Make every step you take body toning, pain relieving, calorie burning and mood enhancing.
Why all walking is NOT created equal (there is a BETTER biomechanical way to walk - and most of us aren't doing it)
Some simple exercises that make your gait more muscle toning and pain relieving
How to get more calorie burn from your walk (so that it counts as cardio - no running or 'speed walking' required)
Tips to tap into the stress-reducing and mood-enhancing power of walking (cos stress HUGELY impacts peri/menopausal symptoms - like poor sleep, weight gain, night sweats, hot flashes, and fatigue)
Time-saving ways to hit 10,000 steps a day - even if you're super busy (and why 10,000 steps is the magical number)
Hi! I’m Tracy - Posture, Mobility & Strength Specialist and creator of the Reshape Method®. I'm on a mission to help professional women 40+ to undo the damage that years of sitting, computer work, and screen time have done to their bodies.
My passion is to help women at our age and stage to get ache-free, supple, and in shape WITHOUT the sweat or time-suck of typical exercise. And without needing endless physical therapy, chiropractic, or massage treatments just to feel okay.
Having worked for over 20 years as an editor, I know what it’s like to feel achy and old after a long day stuck behind screens.
I know what it’s like to be afraid of putting my neck or back out (again), to be embarrassingly out of breath after climbing the stairs, even though I did yoga regularly, to start dressing strategically to hide the stubborn perimenopausal lumps and bumps, and to hate sitting down at my desk to work knowing how sore and stiff I'd be at the end of the day.
I know what it’s like to feel held back from focusing on my big personal and professional goals by a body that wouldn't cooperate, no matter what exercise I did, or how hard I tried to stay in shape.
And there were many times when I just gave up trying.
But at 54, I’m stronger, fitter, pain-free - and happier - than I was 10 years ago.
After overcoming my own nagging pains and figure changes in my mid-40s, I'm now passionate about showing other midlife women that they don’t have to waste another minute wondering what’s the best way to take charge of their achy, stiff, changing bodies.
As a menopausal woman, I'm crossing the monkey bars at the park and giving the finger to our ageist culture that tells me it’s all downhill from here.
Am I special?
— NO.
Do I have a special approach?
Let me show you how …
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